Formatting Hints for Uploaded Reports
Table A-2. Special Terms Used in DSP-LINK (continued)
DSP-LINK Function Description of Related Function or Term
Quick Plot
Using a Mouse to Control the Cursor: When the pointing hand is shown on
the plot, you can move the cursor by sliding the mouse from side to side. To
freeze the cursor at a point on the line, click the mouse. Click again to move
the cursor. To move the cursor to a different plotted line, click on a cable pair
listed near the lower-right side of the plot.
Using a Keyboard to Control the Cursor: Use the left and right arrow keys
to move the cursor in 100 kHz increments. Use the shift key with the arrow
keys to move the cursor in 1 MHz increments. To move the cursor to a
different plotted line, use the up and down arrow keys to move the cursor up
and down among the cable pairs on the plot.
To View Pairs One at a Time in Forward or Reverse Sequence: Use the
tab and shift-tab keys, respectively. The cursor moves to the worst margin for
each pair. You can also view the next pair by selecting Next Pair(s) from the
Pair(s) menu.
Formatting Hints for Uploaded Reports
To fit an uploaded Autotest report on one 8.5” x 11” or A4 page, use a word
processor to set the font and margins as shown in Table A-3.
Table A-3. Formats for Uploaded Reports
Point Size
Maximum Left and
Right Margins for 8.5” x 11” Page
Maximum Left and
Right Margins for 210 mm x 297 mm (A4)
8-point 1.3” 3.0 cm
9-point 0.9” 2.1 cm
10-point 0.5” 1.1 cm