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6.3 E-mail Messages
ETERNUSmgr User Guide -Introduction- P2X0-0202-01EN
When "SYSYTEMERR(XXXXXXXX)" (XXXXXXXX is an error code) is dis-
played, contact your maintenance engineer.
"When a message such as "<Component>#<Serial Number>:<Status>" is dis-
played, it indicates a device component and the status. Check the details, and con-
tact your maintenance engineer.
When "Hardware Status was changed. See below..." is displayed, the following message may also be dis-
played to indicate the location and status of the affected component.
• Component
Indicates the relevant component of the target device. Components vary depending on Target Type,
however they are generally as follows:
- ControllerEnclosure
- DriveEnclosure
- BatteryEnclosure
- RCICable
- DEICable
- BatteryUnit
- BatteryChargerUnit
See "1.2 ETERNUSmgr Functions" (page 4) for details of which components of each
device are monitored.
• Serial number
Indicates the index number of the component. This may differ according to the type of target
device, however it is generally in the form of "#nn" or "#nnnn". Some components have no serial
numbers, and some always return "#00" or "#0000".
The following component status conditions are possible:
- ALARM A failure has occurred (all components)
- WARNING Warning (all components)
- BTU-CAUTION Battery replacement limit exceeded (Controller Enclosure, and
Battery Enclosure)
- BTU-WARNING Less than six months to battery replacement limit (Controller
Enclosure, Battery Enclosure, and Battery Unit)
FC cables of ETERNUS3000, ETERNUS GR710, GR720, and GR730 have no WARN-
ING status.
<Component>#<Serial Number>:<Status>