user guide
get hp psc 1310 series support
hp psc support
call in Australia post-warranty
If your product is not under warranty, you can call 03 8877 8000. A per-incident, out-of-
warranty support fee of $27.50 (inc. GST) will be charged to your credit card. You can
also call 1902 910 910 ($27.50 charged to your phone account) from 9:00 A.M. to
5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. Charges and support hours are subject to change
without notice.
prepare your hp psc for shipment
If after contacting HP Customer Support or returning to the point of purchase, you are
requested to send your HP psc in for service, please follow the power off and re-package
steps below to avoid further damage to the device.
Greece 801 11 22 55 47 South Africa, Outside
+27 11 258 9301
Greece, Outside Greece +30 210 6073603 Spain
Greece (Cyprus) 800 9 2649 Sweden
Guatemala 1800-995-5105 Switzerland
Hong Kong +85 (2) 3002 8555 Taiwan +886-2-2717-0055
0800 010 055
Hungary 1 382 1111 Thailand +66 (2) 661 4000
India 1-600-112267
91 11 682 6035
Trinidad & Tobago 1-800-7112884
Indonesia 62-21-350-3408 Tunisia
71 89 12 22
Ireland Turkey 216 579 71 71
Israel (0) 9 803 4848 Ukraine (380 44) 4903520
Italy United Arab Emirates 800 4520
Jamaica 0-800-7112884 United Kingdom
Japan 0570 000 511
+81 3 3335 9800
Venezuela 01-800-4746.8368
Jordan +971 4 883 8454 Venezuela (Caracas) (502) 207-8488
Korea +82 1588 3003 Vietnam 84-8-823-4530
Kuwait +971 4 883 8454 W. Africa (for countries not
already listed)
+351 213 17 63 80
Lebanon +971 4 883 8454 Yemen +971 4 883 8454
Luxembourg (French)
Luxembourg (German)
* This Call Center supports French-speaking customers from the following countries/regions:
Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria.
country/region hp technical support country/region hp technical support