Configuring the Carrier in a Managed ONcore Hub
Configuring the
Carrier in a
Managed ONcore
This section describes the possible sources of ONcore carrier configuration
settings, the factors that determine the configuration source the carrier uses,
and how to configure the carrier using network management commands.
This section contains the following topics:
ONcore Carrier Configuration Sources
Hot Swapping an ONcore Module
Determining the Configuration Source
Selecting a Network
Saving the Configuration
When you install the carrier in a hub with a management module installed,
the network defaults to isolated mode (Isolate_1). You must assign a
network as described in the sections that follow.
ONcore Carrier
In a managed hub (a hub with a DMM installed), the ONcore carrier obtains
its configuration settings from one of the following sources:
DMM settings
Carrier NVRAM settings
Carrier DIP switch settings
Carrier default settings
DMM Settings
The DMM can provide configuration settings to the ONcore carrier if you are
performing a hot swap. For more information on hot swapping, refer to Hot
Swapping an ONcore Module on page 3-7.