HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4500 N Printer User Manual

Appendix B 177
Interpreting PCL Printer Command Syntax
Before using printer commands, compare the following characters:
Note You must use the exact character and case specified for PCL printer
Many printer commands use the lowercase letter L (l) and the
number one (1), or the uppercase letter O (O) and the number zero
(0). These characters may not appear on your screen as shown here.
Figure B-1 shows the elements of a typical printer command (in this
example, a command for page orientation).
Figure B-1 Printer Command Elements
1 Escape Character (begins the escape sequence)
2 Value Field (contains both alpha and numeric characters)
3 Category of Command
4 Uppercase Letter (terminates the escape sequence)
Lowercase L: l Uppercase O: O
Number one: 1 Number zero: 0