HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4500 N Printer User Manual

80 Using Color
Figure 4-1 Color Balance Calibration Page
Step 2: Adjust the cyan (C) density setting.
Examine the cyan density bar (C) on the color balance calibration
page (see figure 4-1) from a distance of 2 meters (6 ft). If the center
oval matches the background pattern more than the other ovals, the
cyan density does not need to be adjusted and you should continue
on to the magenta (M) setting. If an oval left of center or right of center
matches the background more than the center oval, use the following
steps to enter the number:
1 Press I
until CYAN DENSITY displays.
2 Press the right side of the V
key to increase the value, or
press the left side to decrease it, until the number corresponding
to the oval that most closely matches the background pattern is
3 Press S
to save the value. An asterisk (*) displays next to
the selected setting.