How This Developer’s Guide Works
HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 11
4.0.4 Escape Sequence
This is the ASCII text version of the binary string, which causes the command to be invoked.
The pound sign ("#") is used to represent where one of the command options, which are listed
following the Command Summary, would be inserted.
4.0.5 Command Summary
A brief description of the purpose of a command is given. The Command Summary can be
used to determine quickly if a particular command will perform the overall task you desire.
4.0.6 Command Usage Table
The Command Usage Table provides a quick key for the application of the available command
options for each printer command. The column labeled "#Value" lists all options (also referred
to as command parameters) for the command being discussed. The group of columns labeled
with the model numbers of the HP DeskJet printers indicates which printers recognize each
command option. The column labeled "Effect" briefly describes what result the use of each
command option will have. The Command Usage Table is designed to let you quickly deter-
mine if a particular command and a selected command option will be recognized by your tar-
get printer, and what the effect of using that command and command option will be. The
detailed command description can be carefully studied to gain a thorough understanding of
the command once you determine if it is the one you want to use.
4.0.7 Command Options
All command options for a command are listed in the column of the Command Usage Table,
which is labeled "Value". You should note that even though a particular member of the HP
DeskJet printer family is indicated as recognizing a command, that printer may not recognize,
and therefore not respond to, all listed command options.
4.0.8 Command Option Recognition Grid
This section of the table serves to quickly indicate which HP DeskJet printer models will recog-
nize and respond to a particular command option. If a check mark ("
") appears under a par-
ticular printer model in the row for a command option, that printer will recognize the option. If
there is no check mark for a command option under a particular printer model number, that
printer will not recognize or respond to that command option. If a command is used with an
option the printer does not recognize, the results you obtain on your print media will be unpre-
dictable; your printed page may not appear as you expect.
4.0.9 Effect of Command Options
The result of using the command with a given command option is briefly described. A detailed
description of the impact of the command and its options are provided in the detailed com-
mand description, which follows the Command Usage Table.