HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9112 Series Network Card User Manual

C/C++ Library
errCode = _9112_Initial( CARD_2, &baseAddr2, &irqNo2);
if ( errCode != ERR_NoError )
5.4 _9112_DI
@ Description
This function is used to read data from digital input port. There are 16-bit
digital inputs on the PCI-9112. You can get all 16 input data from
_9112_DI one shot.
u Syntax
Visual C++ (Windows-95)
int W_9112_DI (int card_number, unsigned int *di_data)
Visual Basic (Windows-95)
int W_9112_DI (ByVal card_number As Long, di_data As Long) As
C/C++ (DOS)
int _9112_DI (int card_number, unsigned int *di_data)
u Argument
card_number : the card number of PCI-9112
di_data : return all 16-bit value from digital port.
u Return Code
ERR_NoError, ERR_BoardNoInit
u Example
See Appendix A . Demo Program 'DIO_DEMO.C'
5.5 _9112_DI _Channel
u Description
This function is used to read data from digital input channels (bit). There
are 16 digital input channels on the PCI-9112. When performs this
function, the digital input port is read and the value of the corresponding
channel is returned.
* channel means each bit of digital input ports.