HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9112 Series Network Card User Manual

C/C++ Library
ad_ch_no : A/D channel number
ad_range : A/D analog input range, the possible values are shown in
section 4.3.8.
count : the number of A/D conversion
ad_buffer(DOS) : the start address of the memory buffer to store the AD
data, the buffer size must large than the number of AD conversion.
In DOS environment, please make sure this memory is double-word
alignment. Every 16-bit unsigned integer data in ad_buffer:
D11 D10 D9 .......................D1 D0 C3 C2 C1 C0
D11, D10, ..., D1, D0 : A/D converted data
C3, C2, C1, C0 : converted channel no.
memID(Windows-95) : the memory ID of the allocated system DMA
memory. In Windows 95 environment, before calling
W_9112_AD_DMA_Start, W_9112_Alloc_DMA_Mem must be called to
allocate a contiguous DMA memory. W_9112_Alloc_DMA_Mem will
return a memory ID for identify the allocated DMA memory, as well as the
linear address of the DMA memory for user to access the data. The
format of the A/D data is the same as DOS buffer (ad_buffer argument).
c1 : the 16-bit timer frequency divider of timer channel #1
c2 : the 16-bit timer frequency divider of timer channel #2
u Return Code
ERR_NoError, ERR_BoardNoInit, ERR_InvalidADChannel,
ERR_AD_InvalidRange, ERR_InvalidTimerValue
u Example
See Demo Program 'AD_DEMO3.C' , 'AD_DEMO6.C'
5.15 _9112_AD_DMA_Status
u Description
Since the _9112_AD_DMA_Start function executs in background, you can
issue the function _9112_AD_DMA_Status to check its operation status.
u Syntax
Visual C++ (Windows-95)
int W_9112_AD_DMA_Status (int card_number, int *status, int *
Visual Basic (Windows-95)
W_9112_AD_Status (ByVal card_number As Long, status As Long,
count As Long) As Long