HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9112 Series Network Card User Manual

C/C++ Library
5.26 _9112_TIMER_Start
u Description
The Timer #0 on the PCI-9112 can be freely programmed by the users.
This function is used to program the Timer #0. This timer can be used as
frequency generator if internal clock is used. It also can be used as event
counter if external clock is used. All the 8253 mode is available. Please
refer to section5.4"Timer/Counter operation.
u Syntax
Visual C++ (Windows-95)
int W_9112_TIMER_Start (int card_number, int timer_mode,
unsigned int c0)
Visual Basic (Windows-95)
W_9112_TIMER_Start(ByVal card_number As Long, timer_mode As
Long, c0 As Long) As Long
C/C++ ( DOS)
int _9112_TIMER_Start(int card_number, int timer_mode, unsigned
int c0 )
u Argument
card_number : the card number of PCI-9112
timer_mode : the 8253 timer mode, the possible values are :
c0 : the counter value of timer
u Return Code
ERR_NoError, ERR_BoardNoInit
ERR_InvalidTimerMode, ERR_InvalidTimerValue
5.27 _9112_TIMER_Read
u Description
This function is to read the counter value of the Timer #0.
u Syntax
Visual C++ (Windows-95)
int W_9112_TIMER_Read (int card_number, unsigned int far *
Visual Basic (Windows-95)
W_9112_TIMER_Read (ByVal card_number As Long, counter_value As
Long) As Long
C/C++ (DOS)
int _9112_TIMER_Read (int card_number, unsigned int
*counter_value )