Advanced Configuration and Management Guide
• Add the port connected to the client as an untagged port.
• Add the port connected to the core device (the device that will aggregate the VLANs) as a tagged port.
This port must be tagged because all the client VLANs share the port as an uplink to the core device.
• On each core device:
• Enable VLAN aggregation. This support allows the core device to add an additional tag to each Ethernet
frame that contains a VLAN packet from the edge device. The additional tag identifies the aggregate
VLAN (the path). However, the additional tag can cause the frame to be longer than the maximum
supported frame size. The larger frame support allows Ethernet frames up to 1530 bytes long.
NOTE: Enable the VLAN aggregation option only on the core devices.
• Configure a VLAN tag type (tag ID) that is different than the tag type used on the edge devices. If you
use the default tag type (8100) on the edge devices, set the tag type on the core devices to another
value, such as 9100. The tag type must be the same on all the core devices. The edge devices also
must have the same tag type but the type must be different from the tag type on the core devices.
NOTE: You can enable the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) on the edge devices or the core devices, but not both.
If you enable STP on the edge devices and the core devices, STP will prevent client traffic from travelling through
the core to the other side.
Configuring Aggregated VLANs on an Edge Device
To configure aggregated VLANs on an edge device, use one of the following methods.
To configure the aggregated VLANs on device A in Figure 16.17 on page 16-45, enter the following commands:
HP9300(config)# vlan 101 by port
HP9300(config-vlan-101)# tagged ethernet 2/1
HP9300(config-vlan-101)# untagged ethernet 1/1
HP9300(config-vlan-101)# exit
HP9300(config)# vlan 102 by port
HP9300(config-vlan-102)# tagged ethernet 2/1
HP9300(config-vlan-102)# untagged ethernet 1/2
HP9300(config-vlan-102)# exit
HP9300(config)# vlan 103 by port
HP9300(config-vlan-103)# tagged ethernet 2/1
HP9300(config-vlan-103)# untagged ethernet 1/3
HP9300(config-vlan-103)# exit
HP9300(config)# vlan 104 by port
HP9300(config-vlan-104)# tagged ethernet 2/1
HP9300(config-vlan-104)# untagged ethernet 1/4
HP9300(config-vlan-104)# exit
HP9300(config)# vlan 105 by port
HP9300(config-vlan-105)# tagged ethernet 2/1
HP9300(config-vlan-105)# untagged ethernet 1/5
HP9300(config-vlan-105)# exit
HP9300(config)# write memory
Syntax: [no] vlan <vlan-id> [by port]
Syntax: [no] tagged ethernet <portnum> [to <portnum> | ethernet <portnum>]
Syntax: [no] untagged ethernet <portnum> [to <portnum> | ethernet <portnum>]
Use the tagged command to add the port that the device uses for the uplink to the core device. Use the
untagged command to add the ports connected to the individual clients.
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