Title Description
IOCP User’s Guide, IBM
e(logo)server zSeries
This publication describes the Input/Output Configuration Program that
supports the zSeries server. This publication is available in PDF format by
accessing ResourceLink at the following Web site:
S/390: Input/Output
Configuration Program
User’s Guide and
This publication describes the Input/Output Configuration Program that
supports ESCON architecture and the ESCON multiple image facility.
IBM z/OS Hardware
Configuration Definition
User’s Guide
This guide provides conceptual and procedural information to help you use
the z/OS Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD) application. It also
v How to migrate existing IOCP/MVSCP definitions
v How to use HCD to dynamically activate a new configuration
v How to resolve problems in conjunction with MVS/ESA HCD
OS/390: Hardware
Configuration Definition
User’s Guide
This guide provides detailed information about the input/output definition file
and about how to configure parallel access volumes. This guide discusses
how to use Hardware Configuration Definition for both OS/390
and z/OS
OS/390 V2R10.0: MVS
System Messages
Volume 1 (ABA - ASA)
This publication lists OS/390 MVS
system messages ABA to ASA. GC28-1784
Using IBM 3390 Direct
Access Storage in a VM
This publication provides device-specific information for the various models
of the 3390 and describes methods you can use to manage storage
efficiently using the VM operating system. It provides guidance on
managing system performance, availability, and space through effective use
of the direct access storage subsystem.
Using IBM 3390 Direct
Access Storage in a
VSE Environment
This publication helps you use the 3390 in a VSE environment. It includes
planning information for adding new 3390 units and instructions for
installing devices, migrating data, and performing ongoing storage
management activities.
Using IBM 3390 Direct
Access Storage in an
MVS Environment
This publication helps you use the 3390 in an MVS environment. It includes
device-specific information for the various models of the 3390 and
illustrates techniques for more efficient storage management. It also offers
guidance on managing system performance, availability, and space
utilization through effective use of the direct access storage subsystem.
z/Architecture Principles
of Operation
This publication provides a detailed definition of the z/Architecture
. It is
written as a reference for use primarily by assembler language
programmers and describes each function at the level of detail needed to
prepare an assembler language program that relies on a particular function.
However, anyone concerned with the functional details of z/Architecture will
find this publication useful.
x IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Messages Reference