CMUN02117E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port: invalid
override default priority value
The attribute that indicates whether the default priority for I/O operations is to be
overridden is invalid. The value must be either true or false.
Correct the port specification, and then resubmit the task. If the problem persists,
contact IBM technical support for assistance.
CMUN02118E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port: invalid port
The port profile length cannot be more than 16 characters.
Correct the port specification, and then resubmit the task. If the problem persists,
contact IBM technical support for assistance.
CMUN02119E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port: invalid port
The attaching port topology must be one of the following:
v Unknown
v Fibre Channel Point to Point or Switched (FCP)
v Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL)
Specify a valid attaching port topology, and then resubmit the task.
CMUN02120E SOURCE Unable to modify SCSI host port: address
discovery method and volume group type mismatch
The Report LUNs address discovery method requires a SCSI-Mask, SCSI-Map
256, or SCSI520-Mask volume group type.
Specify compatible address discovery method and volume group types, and then
resubmit the task.
176 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Messages Reference