CMUN03075E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: path timeout
The storage management console server reports a Copy Services error.
Communication to the secondary timed out.
Contact IBM technical support for assistance.
CMUN03076E SOURCE Operation failure: path type mismatch
ESCON and FCP paths cannot be established over the same hardware. A path of
the other type already exists.
Contact IBM technical support for assistance.
CMUN03077E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: pinned data
A Remote Mirror and Copy establish pair action is being issued against a logical
volume that is suspended with pinned data. A relationship cannot be established
using a suspended logical volume that has pinned data.
Consider carefully before you discard pinned data. You might want to specify a
different logical volume. Place both logical volumes in the simplex state, and then
resubmit the task.
CMUN03078E SOURCE Copy Services operation failure: pinned data
A Remote Mirror and Copy or FlashCopy pair action is being issued against a
logical volume that has pinned data. A relationship cannot be established using a
logical volume with pinned data.
Consider carefully before you discard pinned data. You might want to specify a
different logical volume. Place both logical volumes in the simplex state, and then
resubmit the task.
286 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Messages Reference