IBM EM78P447N Network Card User Manual

8-Bit Microcontroller with OTP ROM
Product Specification (V1.1) 03.30.2005
(This specification is subject to change without further notice)
Bit 4 (TE) TCC signal edge
0: increment if the transition from low to high takes place on TCC pin
1: increment if the transition from high to low takes place on TCC pin
Bit 3 (PAB) Prescaler assignment bit.
0: TCC
1: WDT
Bit 2 (PSR2) ~ Bit 0 (PSR0) TCC/WDT prescaler bits.
0 0 0 1:2 1:1
0 0 1 1:4 1:2
0 1 0 1:8 1:4
0 1 1 1:16 1:8
1 0 0 1:32 1:16
1 0 1 1:64 1:32
1 1 0 1:128 1:64
1 1 1 1:256 1:128
4.2.3 IOC5 ~ IOC7 (I/O Port Control Register)
"1" put the relative I/O pin into high impedance, while "0" defines the relative I/O pin
as output.
IOC5 and IOC7 registers are both readable and writable.
4.2.4 IOCB (Wake-up Control Register for Port6)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit 7 (/WUE7) Control bit is used to enable the wake-up function of P67 pin.
Bit 6 (/WUE6) Control bit is used to enable the wake-up function of P66 pin.
Bit 5 (/WUE5) Control bit is used to enable the wake-up function of P65 pin.
Bit 4 (/WUE4) Control bit is used to enable the wake-up function of P64 pin.
Bit 3 (/WUE3) Control bit is used to enable the wake-up function of P63 pin.
Bit 2 (/WUE2) Control bit is used to enable the wake-up function of P62 pin.
Bit 1 (/WUE1) Control bit is used to enable the wake-up function of P61 pin.
Bit 0 (/WUE0) Control bit is used to enable the wake-up function of P60 pin.
0: Enable internal wake-up.
1: Disable internal wake-up.
IOCB Register is both readable and writable.