e Series ADSL Brid
e/ Router
Command Sets for Command Line Interface
Commands for ISFS and FLASHFS process
1. ISFS and FLASHFS overview
The Router requiring storage of configuration data should make use of the
ISFS file system. The FLASHFS file system provides permanent storage of
files and is not normally used other than at start of day or when re-writing
the FLASH. In addition to configuration files, FLASHFS stores the
firmware image, which is loaded after system restart.
After system restart and during system initialization, FLASHFS files are
copied into ISFS so that they are accessible by application processes.
Typically, applications use the ISFS files to store their configuration data.
Changes made to the configuration can be written back into ISFS, and
subsequently FLASHFS, with the ‘
config save’ command. During a
FLASHFS update, all configuration files in ISFS are written back to FLASH
irrespective of whether they have changed or not.
Normally the firmware image is not rewritten. The FLASHFS configuration
files can be considered the ‘master’ copies, and the ISFS files the run time
copies. If the ISFS copies are written back to the FLASHFS, the current
settings will be preserved. It is possible to read files from FLASHFS directly
though this use is deprecated.
2. isfs cat | flashfs cat
isfs cat <file>
flashfs cat <file>
cat command allows a console user to view the contents of the
specified file. Only printable characters are displayed, non-printable
characters are represented by a ‘
.’ character. Printable characters
include all standard printable characters together with carriage return,
line feed, and tab.
No output formatting is performed, and no scroll lock function
cat ipaddresses