– X'C481A3854C4A485' is ‘Date Due’, the 5th index attribute
– field5 maps to the field5 index value, which is:
- 4 lines down from the indexing anchor record, 60 columns across,
12 bytes in length
The result of using these indexing parameters is that the first page of each bill in
the ACIF output file will contain indexing tags for each of the five indexing
attributes. Using Workbench Viewer, customer service representatives can locate a
single customer bill in the ACIF document using any combination of the indexing
Using the Shell with EBCDIC Literal Values
Literal values used in the field, index, and trigger parameters must be expressed
in hexadecimal strings when the input data is anything other than ASCII. Because
the input data for this example is EBCDIC, hexadecimal strings are required, and
be entered if you specify your parameters within a parameter file. If the
parameters are
specified in a parameter file, you can use AIX commands (such
as axeb or iconv) to convert ASCII literal values into EBCDIC literal values. For
example, to convert the ASCII literal ‘Name’, for the 2nd index attribute (index2),
do the following:
1. Create a shell environment variable to hold the EBCDIC literal
To do this using the AIX axeb command, enter:
attr2=$(echo -n "Name" | axeb)
To do this using the AIX iconv command, enter:
attr2=$(echo -n "Name" | iconv -fIBM-85 -tIBM-37)
2. Then, on the command line or in a shell script, specify the 2nd index attribute
by entering:
Note: This example is for use with the Korn Shell (ksh). If you are using a
different shell, refer to the documentation for the shell you are using in
AIX for RISC System/6000 Commands Reference
By using this method to convert the ASCII literals to the EBCDIC literals, no
mistakes are made when converting the literals to a hexadecimal string.
Identifying the Locations of the Resources
To build the resource file, ACIF must know where to find the resources specified in
the job. In the example, the following directories are defined:
fdeflib Form definition directories, /usr/res/fdeflib1:/usr/res/fdeflib2
fontlib Font directories, /usr/res/fontlib1:/usr/res/fontlib2
ovlylib Overlay directories, /usr/res/ovlylib1:/usr/res/ovlylib2
pdeflib Page definition directories, /usr/res/pdeflib1:/usr/res/pdeflib2
| pseglib Page segment, BCOCA (barcode), GOCA (graphics), IOCA (IO image)
| directories, /usr/res/pseglib1:/usr/res/pseglib2
Chapter 3. Example of an ACIF Application in AIX 61