Initio INI-9100UW Network Card User Manual

Device driver command line options
The Initio device driver supports command line switches to optimize driver
operation. Device drivers normally, once installed, work effectively. However,
in certain situations some driver optimization may be advantageous to system
performance. From inside the CONFIG.SYS file for MS-DOS, use the
following format when modifying the device driver switches:
The standard format for command line switches is:
Device = C:\INIASPI\ASPI910U.SYS [Driver Config Option]
Driver config options:
/D Verbose Mode provides detailed information about driver on
system command line when driver is initialized.
/L Driver scan eight LUNs for each SCSI Target.
/Bb,dd Scan device only on PCI BUS #b, PCI DEVICE #dd
The range for “b” is from 0 to 7.
The range for “dd” is from 0 to 20.
/Bb Scan all the devices on the PCI BUS #b
The range for “b” is from 0 to 7.
/Sdd Scan device only on the PCI BUS #0 and device #dd
The range for “dd” is from 0 to 20.
/CCBSx Defines the maximum number of concurrent I/O that driver
The range for “x” is from 1 to 16.