Installing a new Windows NT system and Initio driver without
floppy disks
For computer systems installing or upgrading to Windows NT from a floppyless
setup such as a share on your network, these instructions will guide you
through the INI-9100U/9100UW host adapter driver installation. The
Windows-NT driver will be found on the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW
DRIVER DISK 1. It is important that the hardware has been installed
successfully before proceeding further.
1. Execute a floppyless setup as described by the Windows NT System
Administrator’s Guide.
2. When SETUP begins to load, the screen will turn from black to blue with
CONFIGURATION…” at the top.
• Press the F6 key to interrupt this process. You will have two seconds
in which to press this key.
• Follow the instructions on the screen until you are asked to specify a
SCSI driver.
3. Insert the INITIO INI-9100U/9100UW DRIVER DISK 1 into your local
floppy disk drive, and press <ENTER>.
• Select: Initio INI-9100U/9100UW SCSI Host Adapter
4. The Initio host adapter driver is now installed