24 Technical Product Specification
Order #273817
Intel NetStructure
MPCBL0001 High Performance Single Board Computer
• Supports advanced PCI commands such as MWI, MRM, and MRL, and PCI-X commands
such as MRD, MRB, and MWB
• Full IEEE 802.3ab auto-negotiation of speed, duplex, and flow-control configuration
• Complete full duplex and half duplex support
• Automatic MDI crossover operation for 100Base-TX and 10Base-T modes
• Automatic polarity correction
• Digital implementation of adaptive equalizer and canceller for echo and crosstalk Fibre Channel* (U23) - Optional
The QLogic* ISP2312 dual Fibre Channel controller is used for access to high-speed storage
subsystems. It is routed through backplane connector P23.
See Figure 20, “Component Layout (#1)” on page 100 for its location.
This controller supports PCI and PCI-X bus interfaces. Burst mode master DMA transfers are
utilized for efficient usage of bus bandwidth during data transfers, and 8, 16, and 32-bit accesses
are supported as a PCI target. The controller appears as two independent Fibre Channel ports. A
PCI function is assigned to each port in the device’s PCI configuration space. Functions 0 and 1 are
used to configure FC ports 1 and 2, respectively.
ISP2312 features include:
• 32/64-bit 33/66 MHz, PCI Rev 2.2 compliant interface.
• Host interface compliant with the PCI-X addendum, Rev 1.0a, from 50 to 133 MHz.
• Supports 64-bit addressing (addresses >32 bit initiate use of DAC address cycle).
• Efficient PCI bus master operation, supported by optimized internal DMA controller.
• Supports advanced PCI commands such as MWI, MRM, and MRL, and PCI-X commands
such as MRD, MRB, and MWB.
• Automatically negotiates Fibre Channel bit rate 1.06 Gbits/s (through backplane or front
panel) or 2.12 Gbits/s (through front-panel Fibre Channel ports only)
• Supports up to 533 MBytes sustained FC data transfer rate (combined bandwidth of both
directions transmitting simultaneously).
• Supports Fibre Channel-arbitrated loop (FC-AL), FC-AL-2, point-to-point, and switched
fabric topologies.
• Maxim MAX3840 2x2 crosspoint switch for switching Fibre Channel between the front ports
and the backplane, either via the BIOS Setup Menu by electronic keying.
• Each FC port includes:
— Internal RISC processor
— Receive DMA sequencer
— Frame buffer
— DMA channels (transmit, receive, command, auto-request, and auto-response)