Technical Product Specification 75
Order #273817
Intel NetStructure
MPCBL0001 High Performance Single Board Computer
Setting the Super I/O’s serial port parameters varies as to which part of the operational sequence is
desired to be buffered: BIOS or system.
BIOS message buffering must be configured from the BIOS Setup screen that deals with Remote
Access. This is usually available from the Main BIOS Setup menu. The port must be set to COM2
and the Baud Rate and Flow Control must match what is sent to the IPMC via the Set Serial/
Modem Configuration command shown above.
System message buffering, such as Linux, requires that the system have a driver that can route
system messages to the COM2 port. For Linux, this port is usually /dev/ttyS1. Linux can be
configured to route the output of syslog to various places, including /dev/ttyS1, via the file /etc/
syslog.conf. Refer to the man page for syslog.conf for more details. Setting the operating
parameters of the serial port under Linux can be accomplished with the stty command (e.g., stty –F
/dev/ttyS1 19200). The serial port parameters should be configured in a startup script that the
system executes when it starts up. As with the BIOS description above, both the Baud Rate and
Flow Control parameters must match those set in the IPMC.
Table 39. Get Serial/Modem Configuration Command: Net Function=0Ch, Command=11h
Byte Data Field
Request Data
[7] - 0b = Get parameter
1b = Get parameter revision only
[6:4] - Reserved
[3:0] – Channel number
4h = Serial channel
2 Parameter selector (Must be 07h)
3 Set selector (Must be 00h)
4 Block selector (Must be 00h)
Response Data 1
Completion code
Parameter Revision (11h)
[7:6] - Flow control (No affect on serial buffering)
00b = No flow control
01b = RTS/CTS flow control (hardware handshake)
10b = XON/XOFF flow control
11b = Reserved
[5] - DTR hang-up (No affect on serial buffering))
[4:0] - Reserved
[7:4] - Reserved
[3:0] - 0-5h = Reserved
6h = 9600 bps
7h = 19.2 kbps (default)
8h = 38.4 kbps
9h = 57.6 kbps
Ah = 115.2 kbps
Bh-Fh = Reserved