Intel Raptor AT Computer Hardware User Manual

Raptor AT – Installation Guide
functions are described in this chapter. Some options may not be
available in your BIOS. The windows are:
Standard CMOS Setup
Advanced CMOS Setup
Advanced Chipset Setting
Power Management Setup
PCI/Plug and Play Setup
Peripheral Setup
Auto-Detect Hard Drive
Change User Password
Change Supervisor Password
Change Language Settings
Auto Configuration with Optimal Settings
Auto Configuration with Fail Safe Settings
Save Settings and Exit
Exit Without Saving
Standard Setup
Standard Setup options are displayed by choosing Standard
option from the HIFLEX BIOS Setup menu. All Standard Setup
options are described below.
Select the Date/Time option to change the date or time. The
current date and time are displayed. Enter new values through
the displayed window.
Floppy Drive A, B
Choose either Floppy Drive A or B to specify the floppy drive
type. The settings are 360 KB 5¼", 1.2 MB 5¼", 720 KB 3½",
1.44 MB 3½" and 2.88 MB 3½".