6110 Series Hand-Held Computer User’s Guide Glossary-5
DTR (Data Terminal Ready)
An RS-232 modem interface control signal (sent from the
DTE to the modem on pin 20) that indicates the DTE is
ready for data transmission and requests the modem be
connected to the circuit.
EAN (European Article Numbering) (Bar Code Symbology)
European Article Numbering Code. A bar code symbology
similar to the UPC symbology except that EAN contains 13
characters and uses the first two to identify a country.
EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code)
An 8-bit character code scheme used in IBM environments.
EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)
Specifically EDI Standards. The EDI Standards are a
collective group of standards of different industries used for
exchanging data between computers. All EDI Standards
share certain basic concepts for formatting data. There are
EDI standards covering transportation, warehousing,
grocery retail, general merchandise retail, general business,
and other industries.
Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory.
EIA (Electronics Industries Association)
A United States trade organization that issues its own
standards and contributes to ASNI. Best known for its
development RS-232 and the building wiring standard, 568.
Membership includes US manufacturers.
EOF (End Of File)
A constant following the last data in a file that signals its
End Of Transmission or End Of Tape.
A general term indicating both 802.3 and DIX Ethernet
(also called Ethernet 2.0). See also: 802.3