6110 Series Hand-Held Computer User’s Guide Glossary-15
A third party development environment that allows users
to create DOS or Windows applications by dragging and
dropping. You can visit their web site at:
Physical Port
Equates to port connector. The 4980 Controller has four
internal physical ports (“A”, “B”, “C”, and “D”). It also has
six connectors (“A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “LAN1”, and “LAN2”).
Ports “B”, “C”, and “D” are permanently attached to the
15-pin connectors labeled “B”, “C”, and “D” respectively on
the back of the controller. Port “A” is attached to either the
15-pin RS-232 connector labeled “A” or to both of the two
9-pin RS-485 connectors labeled “LAN1” and “LAN2”. Port
“A” is attached to the RS-485 connectors when it is
configured as a LAN port, otherwise it is attached to the
RS-232 connector labeled “A.”
PING (Packet Internet Groper)
A utility program that determines if a TCP/IP connection
exists between a workstation and a server.
The smallest graphic unit to be displayed on screen.
Plug and Play
The combination of BIOS, operating system, and peripheral
device components that provides an environment that
configures itself, thereby avoiding potential hardware
conflicts for the operating system by polling the peripheral
devices, assessing their requirements, and determining and
implementing optimal settings for each device.
Polled Protocol
A system for multiplexing with more than one radio
terminal by systematically querying each unit for traffic.
The physical hardware communication port.