Intermec EasyCoder F4 – Installation & Operation IPL Version, Ed. 3 71
Appendix 2 Media Specifi cations
Intermec offer three types of thermal transfer ribbons optimized
for different purposes:
• General Purpose (GP)/Standard transfer ribbons allow high
speed printing and give a good printout, but are somewhat
sensitive to smearing. They may be the best choice for uncoated
and coated papers.
• High Performance (HP)/Premium transfer ribbons allow high
speed printing and give a highly readable and defi ned printout on
most face materials with smooth surfaces. They have good “smear
resistance” and are most suitable for intricate logotypes and images
on matte-coated papers and synthetic face materials.
• High Resistance (HR)/Super Premium transfer ribbons give an
extremely durable printout, which is resistant to most chemical
agents and high temperatures. However, such transfer ribbons set
high demands on the receiving face material, which must be very
smooth, such as polyesters.
The use of HR/Super Premium ribbons requires the print speed
and the energy supplied by the printhead to be controlled with great
accuracy according to the receiving face material. Custom-made
setup options adapted for special applications can also be created.
Consult your Intermec distributor.
Intermec thermal transfer rib-
bons are engineered specifi cally
for the EasyCoder printheads.
Transfer Ribbons