40 SBG1000 Wireless Cable Modem Gateway User Guide
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Configuration: Basic Gateway TCP/IP Wireless Print Server USB
Firewall > POLICY — advanced page fields
Field Description
NEW FILTER ENTRY Section of the advanced policy window where you can construct a custom firewall
Port ID The name of the protocol being filtered.
Enable Check this box to enable firewall policy filtering for the port.
Allowed Protocol The allowed protocols.
Port Range (From:To) Sets the from and to port range, which must contain all ports required by the protocol.
Protocol Number The protocol number associated with the IP packets to allow in the firewall policy.
Allow Inbound Filters inbound data from the Internet on the specified ports.
Allow Outbound Filters outbound data to the Internet on the specified ports. Stateful inspection ensures
appropriate responses for outbound sessions.
Add Click to add the new filter. It is displayed on the FIREWALL POLICY table.
FIREWALL POLICY Table Lists the firewall policys.
Enable Check this box to enable firewall policy filtering for the port.
Delete Select the Delete box to delete the filter.
Apply Click to apply your changes.
Add Click to add the new filter. It is displayed on the FIREWALL POLICY table.
Applies a default policy template — High, Medium, or Low — and cancels any defined
Apply Policy Template Click to apply the policy template change.