88 SBG1000 Wireless Cable Modem Gateway User Guide
Overview Installation Troubleshooting Contact FAQ Specifications Glossary License
Configuration: Basic Gateway TCP/IP Wireless Print Server USB
20 Select Network printer by clicking its radio button and click Next:
21 In the Network path or queue name field, type \\Print Server Name\Queue Name and click Next. It must
match the Print Server Name\Queue Name set on the SBG1000 Printer > CONFIGURATION — Microsoft
smb Page (see page 82). The default is \\SBG1000\P1.
22 Click the manufacturer of the printer connected to the SBG1000.
23 Click the printer model.
If your printer is not listed, its driver software is not installed in Windows on the PC. You need to provide the
driver from a disk or download the driver from the Internet.