
Elementary Statistics Final Exam Scores
76 88 94 73
81 90 62 94
56 71 77 85
76 60 84 73
Enter the exam scores into a list with the name FINAL.
Press the STAT key.
Press the number 1 key.
Press the key to highlight L1.
Press the 2
key and then the DEL key to get to INS.
Type in FINAL for the name of the new list.
Type in the exam scores.
Press the STAT key.
Press the number 3 key to get the function SortD( .
Press the 2
key and then the STAT key to get to LIST.
Select FINAL from the list and press the ENTER key.
Press the ENTER key again.
The data values in the FINAL list are now sorted from highest to lowest. Each data value has an
associated percentile or rank. The percentile tells how each data value is ordered with respect to
the other data values. Let’s compute the percentile for the data value 88.
Press the STAT key.
Press the number 1 key.
Press the key until you get to the bottom of the data set.
Press the key until you get to the data value 88 and be
certain to count the number of places you go up from
the bottom number.
The number 88 is 13 numbers up from the bottom. To compute the percentile take 13 divided by
16 which is the total number of numbers in the data set. The percentile is (13/16) X 100 =
81.25. Percentiles are usually rounded to the nearest whole number so you get the 81