Type in L1, L2, Y1.
Press the ENTER key.
The LinReg output shows the:
general model: y=a+bx
y-intercept: a=1.142245989
slope: b=.264171123
coefficient of determination: r
linear correlation coefficient: r=.9586541871
We perform the test of H
: B = 0 versus H
: B > 0 in LinRegTTest.
Press the STAT key.
Press the ► key twice to highlight TESTS.
Press the ALPHA key and then the SIN key to get to
the letter E: LinRegTTest…
Type in L1 for the Xlist:
Type in L2 for the Ylist:
Let the Freq: remain at 1.
Move the cursor over >0 and press the ENTER key.
Set the RegEQ: to Y1.
Highlight Calculate and press the ENTER key.
The p-value is 3.264×10
, which is less than our
significance level of 1%. We reject the null hypothesis
and conclude that the slope is significantly greater
than zero.
Once the model has been computed, to find y' for a given value of x such as x = 10, type Y1(10)
and then press the ENTER key. For example, to find the predicted food spending for someone
with an income of $20,000 type Y1(20) to get 6.43 or $643.