
Slide Projector
Models 560AF/DM and 750AF/DM use a Kodak Ektagraphic-III AMT
modified for our Xenon light source.
Models 560RAK/RARS-232 and 750 RAK/RARS-232 use a Navitar
ColorPro modified for our Xenon light source.
Slide Tray
80 slide trays are recommended.
Lamp House
Contains a Xenon lamp, a reflector and a mirror.
Slide Forward Button
Advances the slide tray.
Slide Reverse Button
Moves the tray backward.
Power Supply Unit
The power unit for lighting the Xenon lamp. It contains electronics and
cooling fans.
Slide Select Lever
By pressing the lever, you can freely rotate the slide tray.
Focus Knob
Turn the knob to manually focus the lens.
Dissolve Module
(Standard on 560DM/750DM projectors.)
Contains a shutter, cam and d.c. servo motor.
Dissolve Control Connector
Connects the cable from the Navitar Dissolve Interface unit to the
560DM/750DM projector.
Operating Switch
The on/off switch to control the fan and the Xenon lamp.
Pilot Lamp
This lamp will light when power is applied.
Power Switch
Power is controlled by this switch after the power cable is connected.
Remote Control Connector
Located on the power supply side, it connects the optional remote
connector to operate the fan and lamp by a remote control system.