bizhub C203/C253/C353 2-11
Setup items by operation
2.4.1 Create a self-signed Certificate
1 In Administrator mode of PageScope Web Connection, select the Security tab.
2 Select "SSL/TLS Setting".
3 Select [Setup].
4 Select "Create a self-signed Certificate".
Item Definition Prior confirmation
Common Name Displays the IP address or domain name of the machine.
Organization Enter the name of the organization or group used for creating
an organization certificate (up to 63 characters).
Organizational Unit Enter the name of the account used for creating an account
certificate (up to 63 characters).
Locality Enter the name of the locality used for creating a locality cer-
tificate (up to 127 characters).
State/Province Enter the name of the state/province used for creating a
state/province certificate (up to 127 characters).
Country When creating a country certificate, enter a two-character
country code regulated by ISO 3166.
United States: US, Great Britain: GB, Italy: IT, Australia: AU,
The Netherlands: NL, Canada: CA, Spain: ES, Czech Repub-
lic: CZ, China: CN, Denmark: DK, Germany: DE, Japan: JP,
France: FR, Belgium: BE, Russia: RU
Admin. E-mail Address Enter the address for the administrator (up to 128 charac-
Address for the adminis-
Validity Start Date Enter the starting date for the period of validity. Displays the
date and time when this page was displayed.
Validity Period Enter the number of days from the starting date for the peri-
od of validity for the certificate.
Encryption Strength Specify the encryption method.