Communication Protocols
“Request Breakaway Setting”
Request: 0x0b <setup#> <value> <machine>
Response: 0x4b <setup#> <response> <machine>
Action: Request breakaway switching setting
The “Request Breakaway Settings” command is used to poll either the current
breakaway configuration of the switcher, or a setup breakaway configuration.
Specifying a value parameter of 0 requests current audio breakaway setting,
and a value parameter of 1 requests the “follow” setting. Breakaway
switching / follow is stored in setups. Example:
Command Meaning
Command To Switcher 0x0b 0x80 0x80 0x81 Request current breakaway setting
Response From Switcher 0x4b 0x80 0x81 0x81 Audio currently in breakaway mode
“Error Response”
Request: Not Valid
Response: 0x50 0x00 <error> <machine>
Action: Response sent to client from switcher
The “Error Response” is used by the switcher to send error messages to the
client. An error code is returned to the PC if an invalid instruction code was
sent to the switcher, or if a parameter associated with the instruction is out of
range (e.g., trying to save to a setup greater than the highest one, or trying to
switch an input or output greater than the highest one defined). Reception of
this code by the switcher is not valid. The error value can be any of the
following values:
0 – Error
1 – Invalid Instruction
2 – Out of Range
3 – Machine Busy
Command Meaning
Command To Switcher
Response From Switcher 0x50 0x80 0x82 0x81 Out of Range error message