Communication Protocols
10.2 Sierra Video Systems
(SVS) RS-232 Compatible Protocol
Target hardware application: the protocol is designed to be compatible with
most existing applications that have driven the RS232 port on SVS routers. In
some cases commands have been shortened and should be compatible with all
SVS external drivers. The protocol only uses one command format to set
crosspoints, on format to load setups and one for the structure of all reply
10.2.1 Command Details I
"Clear": Clear Matrix
“Config” Configure system (requires 4 digit password)
“Change” Change from this protocol to another protocol
"X": Connect Crosspoint
"D": Delay Vertical Sync Intervals
"P": Setup a Salvo Connect Sequence
"T": Trigger a Salvo Connect Sequence
“A” Audio gain controls
“M” RGB Mute switching time
"S": Status Inquiry
"U": Automatic Output Change Reporting On/Off
“?” Query
“E” Error messages
Generic Protocol:
Commands are sent to a routing switcher in a group called a command string.
A command string can contain zero or more commands, limited only by the
size of the receive buffer of the router.
A command string consists of a leader asterisk character, zero or more
commands, and a trailer character, an exclamation mark. When a command
string is received, it is not acted upon until the final trailer character (!) of the
command string is received. At that time, the routing switcher executes the
commands within the string.
The protocol uses only 7-bit ASCII characters. The 8th bit of received
characters is treated as if it is 0. Alphabetic characters within the command
string may be in either upper-case or lower-case letters. The router always
sends upper case characters. When sending commands to the router, SPACE
characters are optional, but if used should only appear before and after each
individual command and NOT embedded within an individual command.
1 A Kramer Electronics company