Auto Dial
This is a feature that automatically dials (through a customer supplied PC-compatible modem) a pre-
programmed telephone number (up to 12 digits) when specified alarm conditions occur within the
UPS system. The connection for the modem is at the SCC. Automatic dial attempts to the first num-
ber are made at periodic intervals for 30 minutes. If unanswered, the system rolls over to the second
number and repeats the process until connection is made.
Upon connection, the system transmits data, in RS-232C format, that includes the system identifica-
tion code, the present alarm message(s) and the time that the alarm(s) occurred. Refer to 3.2.15 -
Communication Interfaces.
Refer to the Special Functions column in Table 9 to see which alarm messages will initiate an auto-
dial call.
If the auto-dial numbers were specified at time of order or installation, the numbers are pre-pro-
grammed into the system. However, if the numbers need to be changed, follow the steps listed below
to reprogram the auto-dialer at the SCC.
1. From the System Configuration screen, press the Up or Down pad to move the highlighted cursor
to Auto Dial.
2. Press the Select pad. The Auto Dial screen will appear.
3. Move to and select the first Auto Dial Number.
4. Press the Select pad to move the arrow to the next digit to the right.
5. When the arrow is on the digit to be changed, press the Up pad to increase the number or press
the Down pad to decrease it. Press Select to set the value and move to the next digit.
6. After all of the changes have been made, press the Select pad again to return to the System
Configuration screen.
7. If required, go to the Second Number screen and enter the correct number.
Figure 32 Auto dial setting screen
Enable Auto Dial ............................................................. YES
Enable Communication Check........................................ NO
Modem Baud Rate.......................................................... 2400
Auto Dial Number............................................................ 1 800 555-1234
Second Number....................................................... 0 000 000-0000
Modem Initialization String.............................................. xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Set Communication Check Time..................................... 00:00