Extended AT Commands Manual Page 43 of 70 2009-06-25
text is
AT+CMGW="phone number",,"REC UNREAD","callback number",
AT+CMGW="phone number",,"REC READ","callback
+CMGW=? Delete Message +CMGD
Execution command deletes message from preferred message storage <mem1> location <index>. If
<delflag> is present and not set to 0 then the ME shall ignore <index> and follow the rules for
<delflag> shown below. If deleting fails, final result code +CMS ERROR: <err> is returned. See
chapter Message Service Failure Result Code for <err> values.
Test command shows the valid memory locations and optionally the supported values of <delflag>.
<delflag>: an integer indicating multiple message deletion request as follows:
0 (or omitted) Delete the message specified in <index>
1 Delete all read messages from preferred message storage, leaving unread messages and stored
mobile originated messages (whether sent or not) untouched
2 Delete all read messages from preferred message storage and sent mobile originated messages,
leaving unread messages and unsent mobile originated messages untouched
3 Delete all read messages from preferred message storage, sent and unsent mobile originated
messages leaving unread messages untouched.
4 Delete all messages from preferred message storage including unread messages.
Table 15. +CMGD action command syntax
Command Possible response(s)
+CMGD=<index>[,<delflag>] +CMS ERROR: <err>
+CMGD: (list of supported <index>s
[,(list of
supported <delflag>s)] Send Command +CMGC
Execution command sends a command message from a TE to the network (SMS-COMMAND). The
entering of text (3GPP TS 23.040 TP-Command-Data) is done similarly as specified in command
Send Message +CMGS, but the format is fixed to be a sequence of two IRA character long
hexadecimal numbers which ME/TA converts into 8-bit octets (refer +CMGS). Message reference
value <mr> is returned to the TE on successful message delivery. Optionally (when +CSMS
<service> value is 1 and network supports) <scts> is returned. Values can be used to identify
message upon unsolicited delivery status report result code. If sending fails in a network or an ME
error, final result code +CMS ERROR: <err> is returned. See chapter Message Service Failure
Result Code for a list of <err> values. This command should be abortable.
Table 16. +CMGC action command syntax