Mitsubishi Electronics MIM-G01 Modem User Manual

Security Advice
Intended Target Audience
This manual is aimed exclusively at suitably qualified electrical engineering specialists that are
familiar with the safety standards required for electrical engineering and automation. The engi
neering, installation, commissioning, maintenance and testing of devices must only be carried
out by qualified electrical technicians. Unless otherwise stated in this manual or other manuals,
any intervention in the hardware and software of products must only be carried out by special
Proper use
Mitsubishi Industrial Modems are only designed for use in the application fields described in this
manual. Ensure that all the specifications stated in this manual are observed. Unqualified inter
ventions inthehardware or software,and failuretoobserve the warningsstated inthismanual or
on the product may lead to serious injury or material damage. No liability is accepted in such
cases and any warranty claims become invalid.
Safety instructions
The safety and accident prevention regulations specified forthe application concerned must be
observed during the engineering, installation, maintenance and testing of devices.
This manual contains special instructions that are important for the safe and proper handling of
the device. The warning symbols of the individual instructions have the following meaning:
Means that there is a danger to the life and health of the user if the relevant safety
measures are not taken.
Is a warning of possible damage to the device, software or other material damage if
the relevant safety measures are not taken.
Mitsubishi Industrial Modem III