Bar Code Number of Characters Fixed or
Interleaved 2 of 5
Interleaved I 2 of 5 with
Barrier Bar
0 to 2710 V
Code 39 or MOD43
0 to 2710 V
Codabar (NW7)
depends on application F or V
Code 128
0 to 2710 V
Code 16K*
0 to 2710 V
Code 93
0 to 2710 V
0 to 14 F or V
0 to 2710 V
0 to 93 (alphanumeric)
0 to 128 (numeric)
Data Matrix
0 to 2335 (alphanumeric)
0 to 2710 (numeric)
* MaxiCode, PDF417, Postnet, and Code 16K are available on the 9403, 9820 (V5.2 or
greater), 9830, 9835, 9840, and 9850 printers. For the 9403 printer, we recommend
these bar codes be used online. The 9805 printer supports MaxiCode and PDF417.
For more information about MaxiCode and Data Matrix bar codes, see Appendix A,
B5. row Distance from bottom of the print area to the pivot point of the
field. The pivot point varies, depending on how the field is
justified. Pivot points:
Left/Center/Right-Justified Fields
Balanced Fields
End-Justified Fields
Defining Fields