Chapter 3 Configuring and Testing
© National Instruments Corporation 3-3 SCXI-1141/1142/1143 User Manual
Using NI-DAQmx, you can configure software settings, such as sensor
type and gain/input signal range, in the following ways:
• Task or global channel in MAX
• Functions in your application
Note All software-configurable settings are not configurable both ways. This section only
discusses settings in MAX. Refer to Chapter 4, Theory of Operation, for information about
using functions in your application.
Depending on the terminal block in use, you can use the
SCXI-1141/1142/1143 module to make the following types of
• Voltage input
• Thermocouple
• Thermistors
• Current input
Creating a Global Channel or Task
To create a new voltage, temperature, or current input NI-DAQmx global
task or channel, complete the following steps:
1. Double-click Measurement & Automation on the desktop.
2. Right-click Data Neighborhood and select Create New.
3. Select NI-DAQmx Task or NI-DAQmx Global Channel, and
click Next.
4. Select Analog Input.
5. Select one of the following:
• Voltage
• Temperature and then select one of the following:
– Iex Thermistor
– Thermocouple
– Vex Thermistor
• Current