National Instruments NI MATRIX Xmath Robust Control Module Computer Accessories User Manual

Chapter 3 System Evaluation
MATRIXx Xmath Robust Control Module 3-2
Refer to [BoB91] in Appendix A, Bibliography.
Example 3-1 Creating a Singular Value Plot
1. Let a system H be a 2-input/2-output system:
tf (a transfer function) =
s + 2
(s + 2.334)(s + 12)s
System is continuous
H = [tf, 2*tf; tf*tf, tf+3];
outputs (a scalar) = 2
inputs (a scalar) = 2
2. Now plot the singular values of the system between 0.01 and 100 Hz
svplot( ):
The result is shown in Figure 3-1. For a discussion of svplot( ) syntax,
refer to the Xmath Help.