National Instruments NI MATRIX Xmath Robust Control Module Computer Accessories User Manual

Appendix A Bibliography
MATRIXx Xmath Robust Control Module A-2
[FaT88] M.K. Fan and A.L. Tits. “m-form Numerical Range and the Computation of the
Structured Singular Value.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 33,
pp 284–289, March 1988.
[FaT86] M.K. Fan and A.L. Tits. “Characterization and Efficient Computation of the
Structured Singular Value.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. AC-31,
pp 734–743, August 1986.
[Fr87] B. Francis. A Course in L
Control Theory. Springer-Verlag,
Berlin-New York, 1987.
[FPGM87] D.S. Flamm, S. Boyd, G. Stein, and S.K. Mitter. “Tutorial Workshop on L
Theory.” pre-conference workshop, Proceedings 26th IEEE Conference on Decision
and Control, December 1988.
[GD88] K. Glover and J.C. Doyle. “State-space formulae for all stabilizing controllers that
satisfy an L
norm bound and relations to risk sensitivity.” Systems and Control
Letters, Vol. 11, pp 167–172, 1988.
[DGKF89] J.C. Doyle, K. Glover, P.K. Khargonekar, and B. Francis. ‘‘State-space solutions to
standard H
and L
control problems.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
Vol. AC-34, No. 8, pp 831–847, August 1989.
[Gu80] N.K. Gupta. “Frequency Shaping of Cost Functionals: An extension of LQG Design
Methods.” AIAA Journal of Guidance and Control, Vol. 3, No. 6, December 1980.
[ONR84] ONR/Honeywell Workshop on Advances in Multivariable Control. Lecture Notes,
Minneapolis, MN, 1984.
[Osb60] E.E. Osborne. “On Preconditioning of Matrices.” JACM, 7:338–345, 1960.
[Saf82] M.G. Safonov. “Stability Margins of Diagonally Perturbed Multivariable Feedback
Systems.” IEEE Proceedings, 129-D:251–256, November 1982.
[SD83] M.G. Safonov and J.C. Doyle. “Optimal Scaling for Multivariable Stability Margin
Singular Value Computation.” Proceedings of MECO/EES 1983, Symposium, 1983.
[SD84] M.G. Safonov and J.C. Doyle. “Minimizing Conservativeness of Robust Singular
Val ue s.” Multivariable Control, pp 197–207, S.G. Tzafestas, editor. D. Reidel
Publishing Company, 1984.
[SLH81] M.G. Safonov, A.J. Laub, and G.L. Hartmann. “Feedback Properties of
Multivariable Systems: The Role and Use of the Return Difference Matrix.”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. AC-26, February 1981.