GS700TR Smart Switch Software Administration Manual
Configuring Quality of Service 5-23
v1.0, May, 2008
To display the page:
1. Click the QoS > DiffServ tab and then click the Advanced > Service Statistics link.
2. Click Refresh to update the page with the most current information.
Figure 5-14
Table 5-12. Service Statistics Fields
Field Description
Interface Shows the interface for which service statistics are to display.
Direction Shows the direction of packets for which service statistics display, which
is always In.
Policy Name Displays the policy associated with the selected interface.
Operational Status Shows the operational status of this service interface, which is either Up
or Down.
Discarded Packets Shows the total number of packets discarded for all class instances in
this service policy for any reason due to DiffServ treatment. This is the
overall count per-interface, per-direction.
Member Classes Selects the member class for which octet statistics are to display.