GS700TR Smart Switch Software Administration Manual
2-18 Configuring System Information
v1.0, May, 2008
2. To create a new list of domain names, enter a name of the list and click Apply. Repeat this step
to add multiple domains to the default domain list.
3. Click Cancel to cancel the configuration on the screen and reset the data on the screen to the
latest value of the switch.
4. If you change any settings, click Apply to send the information to the router.
DNS Server Configuration
Use this page to add a specified DNS server to the list of DNS servers.
To access this page:
1. Click System > Management > DNS > DNS Configuration.
Table 2-8. DNS Global Configuration Fields
Field Description
DNS Status Select Enable or Disable to set the administrative status of DNS Client.
The default is Enable.
DNS Default Name Enter the default domain name for DNS client messages. When the
system is performing a lookup on an unqualified hostname, this field is
provided as the domain name (e.g., if default domain name is .com and
the user enters hotmail, then hotmail is changed to to
resolve the name).
By default, no default domain name is configured in the system.
Figure 2-10
Table 2-9. DNS Server Configuration Fields
Field Description
ID The ID of the listed DNS Server.
DNS Server Use this field to specify the DNS Server IP Address.You can add a
maximum of eight DNS Servers.