M1112 Administrator Manual
E Copyright Nokia Networks Oy
A device where several logical connections are combined into one
physical connection.
remote access node
RAN accepts a high concentration of data traffic from many DSLAMs.
It grooms the traffic to reduce the heavy processing load for backbone
routers which can limit the scalability of high-speed networks. RAN
receives cell- or frame-based end user traffic from the DSLAM and
sends the aggregated IP traffic to ISP backbone routers.
serial console connection
Serial connection (CLI) on the back panel of M5122. It is used for
configuring M5122 locally.
A person who works at home with data communications to the central
virtual channel
A communications channel which provides for the sequential uni-
directional transport of ATM cells.
virtual channel connection
A concatenation of virtual channel links that extends between the
points where the ATM service users access the ATM layer.
virtual path
A unidirectional logical association of virtual channels.