C9300/C9500 Software Utilities • 471
Usage limits
You can set usage limits for a Job Account ID. When “Printing not
permitted” is selected, other settings cannot be changed. Printing not
permitted: All printing is cancelled. Inhibit color printing: Color data
printing is cancelled.
You can set a limit for the Job Account ID. When checked, the limit
on the right side is valid.
Valid period
You can set a validity period for the limit specified above.
How to set up log display
In order to display a log, select a log you want to display from the
“LogTree” and select “Display Log” in Log menu. When you select
Printer or Date in the “Log Tree”, all the logs are displayed. If you
select a printer name from Printers in the “Log Tree”, all the logs for
the printer are displayed. If you select Month from Date in the “Log
Tree”, all the logs for the month are displayed. Double-clicking an
item in the “Log Tree” also displays logs.