Journals and Lists
Explanation of Contents
(1) Indication of communicationmode
(2) Starttimeofcommunication
(3) Endtimeof communication
(4) File number
(5) Stationnumber
(6) Communication result
(7) Abbreviated number or _ mark
(8) Recorded name in One-Touch,
ABBR. or direct dialling number
(9) Number of pages transmitted or
(10) Duration of Communication
: 001 to 255 (When the communication is stored into memory, a file number
is assigned for each communication.)
:Sequential number of the Stations.
:"OK" indicates that the communication was successful.
"BUSY" indicates that the communication has failed because of busy line.
"STOP" indicates that STOP was pressed during communication.
"M-OK" indicates that the substitute reception message in memory was not
printed out.
"P-OK" indicates that memory overflow or document misfeeding occurred
while storing the documents into memory for transmission but successfully
stored document(s) was sent.
"R-OK" indicates that the Relayed XMT or Confidential Communication was
"3-digit Info Code" (see page t 55) indicates thatthe communication hasfailed.
Inthis case, the machine willprintout the attached reportwithfirst page ofyour
document as shown on the previous page.
mark indicates dialed by direct number dial.
The 3-digit number is the number of pages successfully transmitted or
When the documents are stored intomemory, two3-digit numberswill appear.
The first 3-digit number represents the number of pages successfully
transmitted. The second 3-digit number represents the total number of pages
that were attempted to be transmitted.