Status Indicators and Control Panel Messages
C-113615-A2-GB20-20 December 1996
Table C-9
(1 of 2)
Dial Backup Error Messages
Message Notify NMS
Condition Action
DBM: Busy Yes Telephone line associated with
remote DBM is busy.
Try again. Try another number if possible,
or investigate why the line is busy.
DBM: Call Aborted No Call was aborted from the DCP. None
DBM:Callbck Fail No There was a failure to connect
on a callback attempt.
Make sure you have the correct call setup
pointer and that remote DBM has the
proper telephone number in that directory.
If both are correct, attempt to place a
manual call from the remote DBM.
Conflict w/Envir
Yes DBM is not able to dial out (e.g.,
test is being run); there is no
DBM at the far end.
Wait until the test is completed, or abort
the test.
DBM:Dir Empty Yes An attempt was made to place a
call from an empty directory.
Check Backup Directory entries and
DBM:DTR Discon
DTR has gone low, or the call
did not connect.
Raise DTR at the DTE, or disable the
DTRCallCon configuration option.
DBM:Illegal Char Yes Illegal character in the directory
Check directory entry.
DBM:No Answer Yes There was no answer from the
remote DBM or modem.
1. Check that remote DBM is configured
for many calls.
2. Make sure remote DBM is properly
connected to the dial (PSTN) network.
3. Check operational status of remote
DSU using a Device Test.
4. Attempt to place a call from remote
DBM. If it cannot be placed, replace
the DBM.
DBM:NetwkAbort No Call was aborted by the
Try again.
DBM:Netwk Busy Yes Call was unable to place call at
the time.
Try again.
DBM:NetwkUnavl Yes Network is incapable of passing
Look for line problems. If conditions are
good and no problem is found, call
telephone company and report the
DBM:NoDialTone Yes No dial tone received from the
Check the dial (PSTN) network
connections. If conditions are good and
no problem is found, call telephone
company and report the problem.
If Yes, an error message is reported to the NMS if the NMS initiated the dial command.