34 C1519M-C (8/05)
A zone is a user-defined space to which a label is attached and a camera is
associated. The camera used at the time the zone boundaries are defined is
associated with the zone. The zone label appears on the selected monitor after
zone definition if you move the camera within the defined zone. You can define
and associate up to eight zones with the same camera. A priority level (1-8,
with 8 being the highest) is assigned to each zone.
You must remember these points before you create a zone:
• Always move the joystick so that camera movement is from left to right.
Refer to Figure 40.
• If you create eight equally spaced zones for a single camera, it would in-
clude an entire circle and each zone would cover an angular distance of
about 45 degrees (if camera/receiver configuration and site geometry allow).
• Name each defined zone so that each zone priority can be easily identified.
• Plan physical placement and associated priority levels ahead of time if you
anticipate creating many zones for a camera.
• You must assign a priority level (1-8) before you create a zone. Priority levels
are hierarchical and are only relevant when multiple zones are being created.