How to reset the Wireless Base Station 11g to its default settings?
The next pages will show you how to reset the Philips Wireless Base
Station 11g.
Ta ke an object with a pointed end and push it firmly into the hole marked
‘Reset’ on the back of the Wireless Base Station 11g.
Observe the ‘power’,‘wireless’, and ‘modem’ LEDs on the front of the
Wireless Base Station 11g lighting up constantly while keeping the reset
button pressed for at least five seconds.
Release the reset button and observe the LEDs on the front of the
Wireless Base Station 11g.
After about five seconds, the ‘power’ LED should blink several times before
the Base Station re-starts.
If it did not blink first, please repeat the reset procedure.
After resetting, the default Wireless Base Station settings will be:
Wireless network name (SSID): philips
Wireless channel: 6
Wireless encryption: disabled
IP Address for configuration:
You will need to run the Setup program on the CD again.