Planet Technology IPX-1900 Network Card User Manual

¾ Scenario Sample
Example I: Phone Pattern
Figure 3-21. Dialing Rules list - 1
1. 1N (N: single digit from 2~9, excl. 0 and 1)
In this example, when the caller (User/IP-Phone) dial the number range from “12 to 19” , iPBX /
WiPBX will send the call to SIP Proxy Server
2. 2Z (Z: single digit from 1~9, excl. 0)
In this example, when the caller (User/IP-Phone) dial the number range from “21 to 29” , iPBX /
WiPBX will send the call to SIP Proxy Server
3. 3X (X: single digit from 0~9)
In this example, when the caller (User/IP-Phone) dial the number range from “30 to 39” , iPBX /
WiPBX will send the call to SIP Proxy Server
4. 4[1,2,8-9]
In this example, when the caller (User/IP-Phone) dial the number “41, 42, 48 or 49”, iPBX / WiPBX
will send the call to SIP Proxy Server
5. 5. (dot)
In this example, when the caller (User/IP-Phone dial the any length of number with “5” as it
beginning digit number, iPBX / WiPBX will send the call to SIP Proxy Server
Example II: Speed Dial to Registered server.
Figure 3-22. Dialing Rules list - 2
1. When User / IP-Phone call “555”, iPBX will automatically dial “0943123123” to SIP Proxy