Powerware Model V-2000B Power Supply User Manual

Basic Operations = 27
Basic Operations
This section introduces the Image Server Graphic user Interface (GUI), its menus and its
operating controls. If you want to skip ahead to learn how to record a clip, go to page 40. Skip to
page 42 to read about playing a clip.
360 Systems has designed the graphic user interface as a convenient way to manage Image
Server operations. With it, you can control basic operations such as recording and playout. You
may also set up video and audio formats, assign remote control channels to video ports, and set up
many other aspects of the machine.
All GUI software is pre-installed on the Image Server. It is also provided on the Image
Server software installation CD-ROM. The GUI is operated with a keyboard, mouse, and monitor
connected to the Image Server rear panel. Attach these devices only when power is turned OFF.
The Image Server Desktop
The Image Server desktop is similar to many computer system graphic interfaces. There is a task
bar and start menu at the bottom of the screen. The Image Server desktop is always running while
the machine is on. Use the Start menu button to launch applications, manage the system, or to
shutdown the server.
Launching the Graphic User Interface
The GUI appears automatically during boot up. If On-Screen has been closed, click Start, then
Image Server GUI to re-launch the GUI. It will then appear and fill the screen. The window
can then be moved, minimized, or closed as desired.
Shutting Down Image Server
Click Start, then Shutdown, then either Shutdown to begin an orderly shutdown, or Full
Restart to do an orderly shutdown and Restart.
Alternatively, momentarily pressing the front panel power button will cause the system to begin
an orderly shutdown. Image Server will acknowledge the button press with an audible beep
and the front panel lights will begin to flash together. Any operation in progress will be halted,
and any unsaved work will be lost.
In the event that the system has stopped responding to commands and will not reset by
pressing the front panel button (no beep is heard), press and hold the button for about 4
seconds to force a power down. Wait 5 seconds, and then the system may be restarted with
another press of this button.
DO NOT use the rear panel power supply switch to shutdown the Image Server. Doing so
may cause loss of unsaved data, and may require the RAID array to re-synchronize a process